upping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin.Rather than applying pressure to muscles, the suction uses pressure to pull skin, tissue and muscles upward. Cupping is often combined with acupuncture into one treatment, but it could also be used alone.
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), cupping is a method of creating a vacuum on the patient’s skin to dispel stagnation (stagnant blood and lymph), thereby improving qi flow, in order to treat respiratory diseases such as the common cold, pneumonia and bronchitis. Cupping is a unique traditional Chinese medical therapy, focused on internal pain and organs diseases, and it often working as a auxiliary to other methods (acupuncture and osteopathy). Cupping also can used on back, neck, shoulder and other musculoskeletal conditions. Its advocates claim it has other applications as well. Cupping is not advised, in TCM, over skin ulcers or to the abdominal or sacral regions of pregnant women. Cupping is a simple and curative method for muscles and organs pain due to its imprecise position require on body.